Darwin Ledger becomes a member of CitizenScience.org

We are happy to announce that Darwin Ledger has joined forces with CitizenScience.org, a member-driven organization whose purpose is the advancement of knowledge through research and monitoring done by, for, and with members of the public.

This partnership will allow any of Citizen Science’s 1 million+ users across North America to access Darwin Ledger. In turn this will allow more citizen scientists around the world to make the Darwin Ledger database the most powerful tool to identify specifies.

Jodie Searle, Managing Director of Darwin Ledger, had the following comments on the groundbreaking partnership.

“Citizen Science’s platform has already curated over 1 million active users. Running Darwin Ledger’s platform alongside Citizen Science’ will users will give us a significant start in attracting users to. We are excited for our organisation to join Citizen Science’s platform.”


About Darwin Ledger:

Founded in 2017, Darwin Ledger’s goal is to provide a centralized database where every citizen around the world will be able to contribute photos of wildlife, thus contributing to the discovery, study and preservation of plants, animals and cultural heritage sites. The database will also aid research teams, governments and corporations in carrying out their environmental studies in a more efficient manner, cutting down costs across the board.

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